
This blogging thing is so unlike me! Years in, I’m still a little surprised at myself. I’m just not a natural extrovert, but, well, here I am.

The basic facts are these, I am an American currently living and working in Frankfurt, Germany. It was the German husband who lured me over here and convinced me to stay.

In retrospect, I probably should have named my blog “one expat’s kitchen”, because the raison d’etre of this whole show seems to be cooking and eating. In fact, I first set up shop to join French Fridays with Dorie, an amazing group of home cooks, who cooked and baked their way through Dorie Greenspan’s treasure of a book, Around my French Table.

Today I am still cooking along with many of those same home cooks as a member of Cook the Book Fridays. Together we are cooking our way through David Lebovitz’s book, My Paris Kitchen, one recipe at a time. All I can say so far is YUM!